This is has been on development since 2019. But it's not done yet. My iSTTS is designed to be a SSO/portal for iSTTS, that will also be equipped with 2FA 🔑.
Colab Monitor
For monitoring notebook usage on Google Colab and Kaggle. It includes CPU, RAM, Disk, and GPU usage.
Shenzhen Solitaire Solver
This is the solver for the minigame on Shenzhen I/O (also available standalone). This game like freecell but with different mechanics. You can try online version made by Nickardson. Also, source code available at GitHub.

This is my first freelance project, with Dr. Mahendra from RSUD Dr. Soetomo. This application is a PWA based application integrated with Indonesian National Clinical Guideline of Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia. This application aims to help health workers in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia management.
PRISM Classifier
This is an attempt to reimplement Weka's PRISM classifier using C# for Data Mining project. This is work of group and we also tried new things like LINQ language.
This is an experimental crowdfunding web application project that built with CodeIgniter framework and Midtrans payment system. Also created by the same damn Group with another one (Hermawan). This project does feature some libraries such as Simple Markdown Editor and Uploadify (now deprecated) to edit the campaign story.
This is an experimental online shop using CodeIgniter framework and Midtrans payment system. Also created by Gunair Group, although the feature is... almost same with Gunair Shop, with addition such as Refund and Bundle, but without livechat feature.

Gunair Hex AI
An AI project that made by me and friends based on Hex (board game). Written with Javascript, implemented with Negamax (variant of Minimax, for game tree), and A* search algorithm (for determining scores). It's quite good considering there's sometimes the chosen path deviates from what we want. Source available at Bitbucket.
Simulasi Graf Kecamatan
This is the Advanced Data Structure project, which I implemented Fibonacci Heap, Burst Trie, and Dijkstra algorithm in PHP language. With over 300 sub-district, the PHP performance is not bad at all ^.^

Sistem Informasi Mahasiswa STTS
The site that provides academic information for students at STTS. Because I ranting a lot about the previous application, I was hired to fix and improve the application

Gunair Shop
This is an experimental online shop using only plain PHP and sandbox PayPal payment system. Created by my team (Gunair Group, which is Agung, Irvan, and me) for Internet Application project. It also have live chat and 2FA feature. I think the PayPal is not working anymore
Lumberjacks Bot
This is the experimental bot for playing Lumberjacks game from Telegram chat app. Currently I can reach the score of 768 with this bot :D

Grapher for Steam
Grapher for Steam is a browser extension to graph your steam wallet balance.

WikiClean is an experimental project to made copy paste from Wikipedia easier without manually deleting links and references manually. Though this is not recommended to use and you should read and rewrite instead of just copy paste.
Sejarah Internet
Is the experimental project that shows history of the internet. This project was created as homework of the Internet & WWW class. This project only available on Indonesian language. To be honest this is... a little overkill for the class.

iSTTS Helper Browser Extension
A browser extension to help iSTTS students with the provided information systems. It's also have a material concept theme for the sim.stts.edu. However, the web now has been redesigned completely from ground up. Also this extension will only work for old site
Dragon's Apple
This is the first game I created with Scratch when introduction of informatics at my campus. It won the best game at that time :p
Opacity Reactive
This is the experimental project that heavily inspired by Sony Xperia SP's Illumination Bar. Then I recreated that for my Sony VAIO laptop using Arduino :D.

This is not the year where I first created the YouTube account, but this is the year when I began my YouYube career.

Game Save Data Backuper
Smankusors' Game Save Data Backuper primarly backups Bad Piggies game, but expanded to the variety of games. Unfortunately because there's already existing software that's do better than this, I'm not going to continue this anymore.

Metro Task Manager
Metro Task Manager is the special task manager to manage running Metro apps on Windows 8 and up.

Smancosoft URL Tools
Smancosoft URL Tools is the Windows software which purpose for shortening the URL or extending the shortened URL using over 140 online services.

Smancosoft Reminder
This is the software inspired by the article on the internet (now deleted) that suggest you to not keep your eyes on the screen for a long time. It will remind you every 20 minutes to get away from screen.

Winamp Indonesian Language Pack
I tried to translate to the Indonesian as high quality as I can but I ended up with most of my translations using Google Translate. It's official language pack btw.

Smancosoft Media Player
Smancosoft Media Player is the first software I published publicly on Kaskus. This app using Windows Media Player engine to play media files.